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The purpose of the You First podcast is to discuss the rights of individuals with disabilities, putting your rights first. Host Keith Casebonne interviews knowledgeable guests, accounts first-hand experiences, and dives into issues of national and global importance to people with disabilities.

This podcast is produced by Disability Rights Florida, a not-for-profit corporation working to protect and advance the rights of Floridians with disabilities through advocacy and education. You can learn more about Disability Rights Florida on our website at

Oct 5, 2023

With one of their favorite holidays just around the corner, co-hosts Maddie and Keith delve into a serious discussion on using disability as a tool for instilling fear in others, all in the name of Halloween fun. From dressing up in offensive costumes to visiting eerie museums and reopened haunted institutions, the hosts explore how disability history and the disabled community have been intentionally disregarded in favor of a cheap thrill.

Content warning: Mentions of violence against people with disabilities and BIPOC people, including colonialism, institutionalization, eugenics, incarceration, and slavery.

References in episode: