Mar 30, 2023
In February, we created a blog post on disability marriage inequality. We knew people would be interested in the topic, but were taken aback by the immense engagement and shock felt by our audience. Because of that, we wanted to create a podcast episode talking with disabled folks about disability marriage inequality,...
Mar 16, 2023
On March 4th, 2023, the world was shaken by the passing of the legendary disability rights activist and leader Judith (Judy) Heumann. She is considered “The Mother of the Disability Rights Movement” and is frankly a badass. Judy was essential to disability rights advocacy and progress. It is because of her advocacy...
Mar 14, 2023
Medicaid Unwinding in Florida starts on April 1, 2023. With information coming from various Florida agencies and organizations, it can be hard to get clear information about what is happening with Medicaid eligibility. The Medicaid Unwinding process can feel overwhelming, but we hope our show today will provide you...